Morning Edition                                                                         Still Only 50¢                                                                               May 1, 2007 


Since 1836

Contents ©2007 by Azalea City Register/City Evening Press Associates


Azalea City Returns to Omniverse

Citizens Perplexed

by Bill Jackson

    AC is BACK! At least some of it.

    I'm hoping to get most of the old stuff posted on line, along with something new each issue. I'm afraid all we have at this point is some of  the old "sidebars" I wrote to add a little flavor to AC and the Gravedigger story that was started in the 'Times and never finished. I hope to put the rest of the AC stuff up soon. Eventually, I hope to make this look like a newspaper, with a column for "news" and one for "departments", which would contain the links to the sidebars. What is below is similar to what I mean.

What I hope to have in he future is a page devoted to each major character, with an illustration, information, and Champions stats. Regular readers of The "Times have already seen a part of that: the illustration of Stardust awhile back was done for her page. Captain Alabama was going to be in one of the next few 'Times , so here he is. As far as Azalea City goes, he is an NPC who has adventures beyond the actions of the crew in AC. Stardust, Fire Ant, and the rest of the old Southern Alliance is the same.

Next issue I hope to post the completed version of "Tiger in the Rain", and finish up Callisto's origin, and get the rest of the sidebars up (if I can find the files; I may just have to re-type them) Then proceed to Willowisp, Decibel, The Poltergeist, Black Velvet, and the deaths of 'Possum and Haint.

 Anyway, below should be some links to other stuff.


Local News: Stuck Inside of Mobile

Statewide Report: Captain Alabama

Business: Dixie Publications

The Arts: Books on or about Azalea City

Sports: The Sports Scene

The Media: Azalea City Television and Radio

In the Theaters: Attack of the 500ft. Woman

Weather: Hurricane Heather

In Times Past: Prologue

Inhuman Interest Story: Wolfwitch

Special Report: Resurrection Day

Further Reading: links